Ihab Fadel Abu Musa
Ahmed Mahmoud Gueiba
The artist Ihab and the artist Ahmed have met in beginning of 2019 and have presented works about quantum art, that art was established in Italy by the artist Roberto Denti, with whom the artist Ahmed Ghwiba communicated with him since 2017 until he became a Director of the Middle East in this field. In 2019, the artist Ihab joined with the artist Ahmed Ghwiba and discus some points about how to use the quantum art in fashion design. That is through the artist Ihab's experience as a university professor interested in employing art in clothes
since 2002 and many researches was don with post graduate students in master and doctoral degree. Therefor we sent the idea to the principle of MAQ art and he welcome with that idea tobe as new start in Middle East especially from Egypt. We have agreed to create a logo may it become abrand in the future, that achieve the dream of us, and sending a message carrying our vision in gathering between quantum art and fashion with different technics, it is depend on computer graphics and light photo. So we ap plied some designs related to quantum art with
especial logo that showing and express about our source, it is a life key and it was a simple sacred in ancient Egypt. This simple have philosophy related to the secret of energy and reason of life and called a Nile key at King Ankh Amoun era. In 1869 was a theory of Tomas in which it appears the strength of its meaning that gather between a man and a woman as a secret of life power. Today we are in this event to in shore the value and disperse it all-over the world. Ahmed and ihab shares with different exhibitions in Italy like " The Quantum Art Society exhibition in Sicily, Italy, Quantum art, November 2019 " and "The Quantumcreativity , Trezzo sull'Adda,
September 2019" .
Ahmed and ihab participated in several exhibitions in Italy such as "The Quantum Art exhibition in Sicily, Italy in November 2019: Art Geo - Ducezio Award, Visionary Art - Majorana Award, Art Week - Tortelli Award and in September 2019 the two Egyptian artists participated in the exhibition "Quantum Creativity for Human Survival" in Trezzo Sull'Adda (Milan), in the presigious Hall of Mirrors of Villa Visconti Crivelli.
This time we insist to share with new wearable art, it is reshaping our graphics to wearing products like tiesand shirts, beging with the design on computer graphics, making a flat pattern of model, putting the idea in different areas and nesting the pattern to be ready to print on different material are suitable to kind of product.
We think it is very interesting trial and we hope achieve our dreem with this applied art and special between all artists, may beour work become trend one day and evry where.
We are happy because of joining to the International Academy MAQ-IAMAQ for quantum art and we thanks the artist Roberto Denti to allow the chance for us to be amang greatest artists in this event, especially in this exhibition. An agreement has been made between the International Academy MAQ - IAMAQ and the F&G Foundation, which carries the first two letters of their family names in Egypt; they are interested in design and producing Quantum Art costumes.