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The New Science-Art Renaissance and the Critical Issues of Transhumanism.*

The Platonic Academy was banished by the Byzantine emperor Justinian the Great in 529 AD. The traditional story of its re-establishment near Florence during the 15 th Century became legendary. The story centers around Cosimo de Medici when he attended the Council of Florence in 1438, where he became intrigued by the pagan

philosophies of Plato, as expounded by the philosopher Gemistus Pletho. Cosimo intended to re-establish the Platonic Academy near Florence and finally achieved this goal in 1462 (Hankins J. 1990). Years prior to the opening Marsilio Ficino, having demonstrated youthful enthusiasm toward Platonic spiritual philosophy, was taught Greek and was carefully groomed to guide the academic functioning of the Academy. Cosimo, his son and grandson, provided Ficino with a residence in Caregina, central to the new Academy, to develop the lost atomistic spiritual tradition of Platonic philosophy. Ficino based his Renaissance upon Platonic theology (Snyder J. 2012).

This spiritual responsibility failed to inspire the genius of the gifted student Leonardo da Vinci, (1452-1519). Leonardo, famous for his painting of the Mona Lisa, is generally considered to be a central figure of the Great Italian Renaissance. In fact, he cannot be considered a true figure of the Renaissance because he did not fully comprehend the nature of the Platonic spiritual optical engineering principles. During the 20 th Century the American engineer and philosopher, Buckminster Fuller, derived his theories of a universe functioning on two distinct energy systems. One can be considered holographic and the other physical. Plato’s spiritual mathematics influenced Fuller, as is clearly recorded within his biography, A Fuller Explanation, written by the dedicated student, Amy Edmondson (Edmondson A. 1987).

After being educated within the Platonic Academy, da Vinci at the age of 30 was employed as a military engineer by Milan's Duke Sforza, to research and design instruments of war. One such design has since been considered to be the first robotic design. Therefore, Leonardo da Vinci used his great artistic abilities to record his mechanical theories, as a military engineer. This occupation had been specifically regarded by Plato as being barbaric and unfit to be considered the role of a true philosopher. Leonardo is considered to be a key figure in bringing about the mechanistic era, which reached its peak during the 20 th Century, when mainstream science was completely ruled by the logic upholding a quantum mechanics governed by the second law of thermodynamics. Saying that quantum mechanics is governed by the second law of thermodynamics is a bit too much, because the relations between the two are very complex and unclear, a quantum system that violates the second principle is described by Keefe (Keefe P.D., 2005).

The Romantic movement (Wikipedia, Romantic Age), in reaction to the pragmatism of The Enlightenment (Wikipedia, Age of Enlightenment), focused upon feelings rather than thought. Whereas, The Enlightenment held that human actions were guided by the forces of economics, sociology, and physics, with all being governed by the second law of thermodynamics - as propounded by Charles Darwin - the Romantics ascribed

human development to ethical electromagnetic considerations.

As the science of quantum biology began to emerge during the 20 th Century, the 'Enlightenment' logic began to be criticised as being incomplete. Various models of quantum biology were postulated, in which naturally occurring electromagnetic forces were considered to be functioning within the human energy system, in order to evolve consciousness (Pregnolato M. 2010). In upholding quantum mechanics, a serious problem presented itself, when those forces were reasoned to be acting in defiance of the second law of thermodynamics.

A critical assessment of this confused situation was made by the 1937 Nobel Laureate in medicine, Albert Szent-Györgyi. In 1941, studying the solutions of the equations that combine quantum mechanics with special relativity, the mathematician Luigi Fantappiè discovered that the positive solutions describe energy and matter that diverge from causes located in the past and are governed by the law of entropy, i.e. the tendency towards dissipation of energy, chaos, disorder and death, whereas the negative solutions describe energy and matter that diverge backwards in time from causes located in the future and are governed by a symmetric law, which Fantappiè named “syntropy”, i.e. the tendency towards energy concentration, order, organization and life (Di Corpo U. 2005). During the latter part of the 1950s, Szent-Györgyi related the theories of quantum mechanics to the biochemistry of cancer. In 1974 he began to consider that a confused understanding of the second law of thermodynamics was fundamentally an electronic problem at the molecular level and he adopted the Fantappiè’s term “syntropy” to replace the term negentropy, used by other researchers, to allow quantum life-force energies to interact with the entropic energies of quantum mechanics to evolve consciousness (Wikipedia, Albert Szent-Györgyi). In the 21st Century, quantum biology, with the help of nanotechnology, discovered that there are negentropic properties associated with the biological functioning of carbon signaling

within the human metabolism (Bozov R. S. 2011). Quantum biologists now postulate that living information energy entangles itself with the entropic energies belonging to

quantum mechanics.

The excitement of discovering relevant new technologies for the betterment of the human condition can now be considered as belonging to an upgrading of Leonardo da Vinci's mechanistic era. Optimists see this as leading towards a much more natural and profound state of human existence. This article is written as a critique of Julian Huxley's theory of transhumanism (Wikipedia, Julian Huxley) and its later re-development by the current Transhumamist Movement. It proposes that no sustainable ethical ethos can belong to the energies of quantum mechanics, when kept in isolation from entanglement with the energies of quantum biology. This postulates that quantum biology can help modify transhumanism's objectives for the common good, by introducing aspects of negentropic logic propounded by the Platonic tradition of the ancient Greek philosophy's Science for Ethical Ends.

Petar Grujic, Science Advisor to the Belgrade Institute of Physics, published numerous papers (Web, Grujic publications) demonstrating that the lost ancient Greek ethical science was based upon an infinite fractal mathematical logic. However, any ethical science linking the properties of emotional thought to the principles governing atomistic Platonic particle movement is forbidden by the incomplete 20 th Century definition of the second law of thermodynamics. This imbalanced law demands the extinction of all universal life as well as the thermodynamic death of the entire universe.

It can therefore be argued that any negentropic force that allows the universe continuance beyond the extremity of the Second law can be defined as a medical science representing optimum evolutionary health. This argument suggests that the ethics postulated by Szent-Györgyi may be defined in medical terms involving

his electromagnetic carcinogenic problem at a molecular level. At the very least, the sentence of extinction, as prescribed by quantum mechanics, can be given a reprieve to allow for new human survival scientific evidence to be presented.

The discoveries of electromagnetic forces during the 18th and 19th Centuries caused scientists to revisit Platonic science principles. The relevant electromagnetic forces, being based upon the principles of particle movement to instruct the evolution of consciousness, was based upon the spiritual mathematics of the ancient Greek

Science for Ethical Ends. After Pythagoras introduced the properties of light into the ancient concepts of atomic movement, associating it with the generation of electromagnetic information obviously followed. Hans Christian Oersted, the discoverer of the electromagnetic field, actually wrote about the relevant ethics involved, in his Doctoral dissertation referring to Immanuel Kant's God-like electromagnetic ethic (Brian, R. & Cohen R., 2011).

Charles Darwin based his theory of evolution upon Thomas Malthus' population essay (Wikipedia, Thomas Robert Malthus), which directed the policies of the East India Company. This powerful company financed Darwin's famous voyage of discovery, on HMS Beagle. Darwin's obsession with the second law of thermodynamics is now the subject of great controversy, although at the beginning of the 20 th Century is was

well accepted. Einstein agreed with Darwin that the second law was the Premier law of all the sciences; both secular and religious authorities advocated its worship. Sir Arthur Eddington referred to it as the Supreme metaphysical law of the entire universe (Goodfield J. 1977) and Lord Bertrand Russell's most popular essay A Free Man's Worship (Russell B. 1985), also advocated such a fire-and-brimstone religious sentiment.

Julian Huxely's theories on transhumanism seems to have a ennobling ring about the universe becoming conscious of itself, with humankind claiming a wonderful destiny by developing a universal conscious participation. At least, as Julian wrote, until “the final ticking of the cosmic clock” (Huxley J. 1957). His eugenic theories, based upon Darwin's evolutionary ideas, were tied to the dictates of the second law of thermodynamics. This is the evolutionary electromagnetic anti-life medical problem, at the molecular level,

alluded to by Szent-Györgyi. It was also referred to earlier by the educator, Maria Montessori (Wikipedia, Maria Montessori), who was listed in the TIME magazine's Century of Science (Dorfman A. and Hart M.1999) as being the greatest scientist of 1907 She referred to the second law of thermodynamics as the greed energy law. Together, with her contemporary Tielhard de Chardin (Wikipedia, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin),

they advocated the unlocking of the Golden Gates to the Future compatible with ethos of the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy. A key figure in the eugenics movement in America was Alexander Graham Bell, a sponsor of Montessori's research, along with both Thomas Edison and President Woodrow Wilson. Unfortunately, Montessori and de Chardin's research into the natural effects of environmental electromagnetic forces upon young children, did not form the basis of Bell's eugenics program, based upon Darwinian evolutionary theory. The American eugenics organization influenced the unethical political aspirations of Hitler's Third Reich.

There are many complex models being developed within quantum biological research concerning the electromagnetic theories of creation, finding expression within the functioning of the mind and brain. They are too complex to detail within a brief critique of the current status of transhumamism. However, in general, as the energies of the holographic state of quantum biology entangle with the energies of quantum mechanics, consciousness is evolved, in violation of 20th Century quantum mechanics.

In this respect it would appear unethical for the second law of thermodynamics to continue to dismiss such models out of hand, or to treat the ancient Greek science for ethical ends as some sort of irrelevant pagan heresy. The combination of science and art needs to be implemented as a rediscovered research methodology (Leonardo da Vinci instigated this procedure during the Italian Renaissance) to help reason about the spiritual nature of humankind. From the union of holistic rational thought and creativity there emerges a growing awareness, necessary for our evolution to more elevated states of consciousness. This new measurement of humanity liberates humankind from the bonds of the materialistic world-view of last century.

* This article was published in CRAFT - Community Resilience through Action for Future Transition (Because our future in in our hands): RSS, ISBN 978-1-875603-17-6, Issue 4: May 2013 under the title Transhumanism


Bozov R. S. (2011). Theory of Carbon Signaling. Negentropy vs Entropy - Emergence of Self Propagated Biological Systems. Recent Researches in Modern Medicine,

Brian, R.M. & Cohen, R.S. (2007). Hans Christian Ørsted and the Romantic Legacy in Science, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 241

Di Corpo U. (2005). Syntropy: the energy of life, Syntropy 1 , 77-79

Dorfman A. and Hart M. (1999). A Century of Science, TIME Special Issue, Scientists and Thinkers of the 20th Century, Vol. 153 No 12

Edmondson A. (1987). A Fuller Explanation, Birkhauser, Boston.

Hankins J, (1990). Cosimo de’ Medici and the ‘Platonic Academy’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. 53 pp. 144-162, pub. The Warburg Institute

Huxley J. (1957). Transhumanism, In New Bottles for New Wine, London: Chatto & Windus, pp. 13 - 17

Goodfield J. (1977). Humanity in Science, Phi Beta Kappa Key Reporter, p. 4

Keefe P.D. (2005). Quantum limit to the second law by magneto-caloric effect, adiabatic phase transition of mesoscopic- size Type I superconductor particles"; Physica E, vol. 29, pp. 104-110

Pregnolato M. (2010). Time for Quantum Consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research. 1 (8) 898-906

Russell B. (1917). A Freeman’s Worship, in Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays, Allen and Unwin, London, UK.

Snyder J. (2012). Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (Accessed 3rd May 2013)

Web, Grujic publications, (Accessed 5th May 2013)

Wikipedia, Age of Enlightenment. (Accessed 5th May 2013)

Wikipedia, Albert Szent-Györgyi,örgyi#cite_note-10, (Accessed 5th May 2013)

Wikipedia, Julian Huxley, (Accessed 5th May 2013)

Wikipedia, Maria Montessori, (Accessed 5th May 2013)

Wikipedia, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, (Accessed 5th May 2013)

Wikipedia, Romantic Age, (Accessed 5th May 2013)

Wikipedia, Thomas Robert Malthus, (Accessed 5th May 2013)

Massimo Pregnolato

Professor of "Medicinal Chemistry" by Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Pavia. Author of more than 80 scientific publications on medicinal chemistry and biocatalysis and 10 patents in the field of protein engineering and enzyme biocatalysts for the preparation of pharmaceutical use. Director of Quantum Bio Lab, Founder of Quantumbionet international network for the advancement of quantum studies in biology and for the reunification of Arts and Science and quantIP for the management of intellectual property. Editor in chief of the journal Quantum Biosystems. Member of the QAGI (Quantum Art Group International). Chairman of Quantum Paradigms of Psychopathology (QPP). Member of Scientific Commitee of Istituto di Ricerca “Paolo Sotgiu” in Psichiatria e Cardiologia Quantitativa ed Evoluzionistica, Università of Lugano, Switzerland." 2010 - "Giorgio Napolitano" Medal Prize. Advisory Board Member of DNA Decipher Journal, Antropologia della Salute and Scientific GOD Journal. 2011 - Member of Quantum Art Group Italy priced by “Italia degli Innovatori” Agency for the dissemination of technologies for innovation. Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

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