The 2017 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the Australian International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. They are a truly wonderful, lively, dedicated group, conversant with the complexities of United Nations decision making. Their understanding is alien to the traditional scientific mindset associated with the development and employment of nuclear weaponry. Given indisputable scientific evidence of the existence of inarguable human survival blueprint simulations that negate nuclear weapons development, they will certainly act accordingly. But without that crucial information they are left in the same position as the failed Russell-Einstein Manifesto of 1955 that attempted to achieve exactly the same objective as their own. The Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi, co-founder of the American National Cancer Research Foundation, in his 1972 ‘Letter to Science’ provided the key to solving their problem. In 2016 the discovery of the antidote to the present 3D global epidemic transmitted by the mass manufacture of dysfunctional communication and information devices was derived from his ‘Letter to Science’. All that is now needed is for a physicist to program a computer combining the Russell-Einstein mechanistic information with the new antidote biosphere information. The computer, given instructions to generate human survival simulations will quickly do so. The sooner that this crucial anti-nuclear warfare logic procedure is given to the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Winners, the sooner they can expedite its message to the United Nations. ……………………………………….. Szent-Gyorgyi, in 1972 wrote that modern science, by allowing itself to be governed by a law that Einstein insisted must reign supreme but which demands the extinction of all life, was thereby infected by a form of mental cancer. Many scientists are now expressing concern that artificial intelligence, locked into the extinction law of modern science, will override evolutionary human survival information. In terms of Buckminster Fuller’s universal biosphere model we must now make the choice between “Utopia or Oblivion”. Modern science, as upheld by Einstein and Russell certainly worked effectively for promoting tribal warfare, now escalated to nuclear weaponry. However, 21st Century DNA understanding clearly classifies all human tribes as belonging to one species. Humanity continually harming itself appears, from Szent-Gyorgyi’s medical perspective, to belong to a terminal state of carcinogenic development. Szent-Gyorgyi referred to Einstein’s conviction that all life must be doomed to extinction, as belonging to our schizophrenic Neolithic ancestors, whom he referred to as “crazy apes”. Information and communication devices located throughout the DNA, previously considered to be redundant biological junk DNA, will be guiding the transition from modern ‘tribal’ science to human survival science. It is a fact that quantum biologist cancer researchers know that these devices employ healthy evolutionary information flowing in the opposite direction to the energy processes that lead to extinction and govern our current ‘tribal’ science. Einstein had no other choice than to obey the extinction law, as it appeared to be a natural process, until DNA biosphere information was shown to interlock with his world of quantum mechanical reality. Now that tribal science and Szent-Gyorgyi’s antidote science can be seen as both belonging to the universal evolutionary process, they can be fused together in order to obtain a new balanced human survival science. Both Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein followed the kill or be killed survival message often observed in natural evolution involving sexual aggression that enabled males to impregnate females who desired offspring best able to protect their tribes from predators. Einstein derived his scientific worldview from the Babylonian culture that fused mathematics with a sexual lust for war, which over thousands of years led inevitably to the use of atomic weaponry. We know this from the 1956 New York Library of Science publication, ‘Babylonian Mythology and Modern Science’, stating that he derived his theory of relativity from the mythological mathematical intuitions upholding the Babylonian culture. The Nobel Laureate mathematician, Bertrand Russell, a devotee of Ishtar the Babylonian goddess of prostitution and war, together with Einstein used ancient Babylonian mathematics to derive the Russell-Einstein Manifesto proclaimed on 9 July, 1955, calling upon world leaders to find resolutions to international nuclear conflict. Although Russell was obliged to leave his New York College Professorship in 1940 for teaching immoral sexual values to students, his ‘Make love not war’ slogan against Hitler’s Third Reich policies, became a catch cry for peace activists and students entering into a new age of sexual mores. We must acknowledge that both scientists greatly influenced 20th Century culture. However from the present perspective, with tribal leaders now arguing about who can be the first to destroy civilization with nuclear missiles, we realise that tribal science provided the means to achieve that carcinogenic objective. Russell’s ‘A Free Man's Worship’, published in 1993, is one of his best known essays and advocated the worship of the carcinogenic law that Einstein called the “premier law of all the sciences”, which requires the extinction of all life. Tribal Science can be considered to be a carrier of some form of mental dysfunctional information inherited from our Neolithic ancestors. The mathematician Georg Cantor, whose work underpins much of prevailing science, predicted Szent-Gyorgyi’s cancer research conclusion as being in his words, “a myopic fear of infinity inhabiting the modern scientific mind”. His mathematical research demonstrated that the living process could become part of the workings of an infinite universe, a concept completely challenging the fundamental structure of modern tribal science. That idea is a fundamental aspect of the now overwhelming increasingly accepted concept of a holographic universe. Einstein and Russell’s 1995 attempt to help resolve the present nuclear crisis while holding to their tribal science, was a futile waste of time. An attempt to seek better results from within the optical concepts belonging to the workings of a holographic universe most certainly warrants further investigation. If a holographic universe is a more accurate description of reality then the optical dysfunctional information now upholding the tribal science cancer epidemic must be generating an incredible and obvious sociological malfunction. While governmental appointed epidemiologists have acknowledged the existence of the above-mentioned global 3D epidemic, their commitment to their tribal science, which is the cause of it, means they have no possibility of discovering the antidote. The optical key to finding the antidote to the 3D epidemic of dysfunctional information was supplied by the scientist David Hilbert who worked with Einstein on the dual functioning of asymmetrical and symmetrical electromagnetic fields. However, within Einstein’s tribal scientific worldview the physical universe can only accommodate the existence of mechanistic, symmetrical, electromagnetic reality. Hilbert on the other-hand understood the biological role played by asymmetrical electromagnetic field information belonging to the biosphere. For example, the field generated by the beating heart obeys the left hand rule of electrical field orientation while Einstein’s mechanistic field obeys the right hand rule. Contention regarding the nature of existence has raged on for centuries, often in what can be seen as a battle between those whose minds are left-hemisphere-brain dominated over those who function predominantly from their right hemisphere. And this battle has often been one of life and death between the opponents. Hilbert was one of the very few mathematicians who agreed with Georg Cantor’s mathematical optics providing access to infinity. To state this publicly took courage. World famous scientists, under economic pressure from influential Christian Church leaders hounded Cantor to his deathbed with their continual expressions of religious outrage, insisting that only God could provide access to infinity; raising the contention of whose God holds that power? The idea of the existence of an evolving universal ethical Godlike purpose only served to inflame that religious aggression. Now, in the 21st Century the antidote information can no longer be vilified by those diagnosed by SzentGyorgyi as having the tribal mentality of our schizophrenic Neolithic ancestors. A more recent example illustrates this continuing contention. A high-resolution picture exists of the human cell poised to divide itself into its replica. The geometrical shape of the healthy cell about to divide is that of an infinite fractal expression within its accompanying 3D asymmetrical electromagnetic field. That field prevents the 3D epidemic belonging to tribal science’s symmetrical electromagnetic field from passing its dysfunctional information across to the healthy daughter cell. However, that contamination is later transmitted by dogmatic social mores in the form of a what Szent-Gyorgyi referred to as an innate schizophrenic cancer. While the epidemiologists realize that some aspect of Cantor’s infinity theories must be involved, they are unable to challenge the authority of the symmetrical, mechanistic, mathematical science that completely governs their own tribal world-view. Nonetheless, the visual evidence of the Cantor-Hilbert 3D electromagnetic stereoscopic optics field leaves no other option but to carefully re-examine the World’s past stereoscopic 3D theories concerning the infinite evolution of human stereoscopic vision. On March 19, 2004 the American Academy of Science published a paper, ‘Binocularity and Brain Evolution in Primates’. It stated that, “Although stereoscopic vision requires specialized neural mechanisms, its implications for brain evolution are unknown”. However, sixty-four years earlier, on August 8, 1953, the British Medical Journal published papers regarding ‘The Evolution of Binocular and Stereoscopic Vision in Man an other Animals’. English scholars researching stereoscopic vision philosophy could have entered into lively debate about the following stereoscopic issues raised in this paper. However, only recently did American tribal science researchers realise that they had a serious stereoscopic problem. When neurophysiology presented asymmetrical mathematical 3D information within their development of artificial intelligence technology, they referred to it as some sort of ‘plague’ infecting their money-making tribal science. The general public awaiting the abolition of nuclear weapons needs to become aware that Leonardo da Vinci was severely criticized by his peers at the Platonic Academy in Florence for having no substantial knowledge about the atomic spiritual optics taught by his mentors, including the mathematician Lucas Pacioli and the Head of the Academy, Marsilio Ficino. Da Vinci was the first to affirm that a painting could not obtain a true 3D image within the single plane of its surface area. The English scientist, Sir Charles Wheatstone, in 1838 invented the catoptric stereoscope, which provided visual evidence that Leonardo had no understanding whatsoever about any stereoscopic 3D inner vision evolving within the artistic creative mind. The journal Nature included comments from Signor Volpicelli of the Academia dei Lincei into its obituary comments about Charles Wheatstone and his invention of the stereoscope. Volpiceli wrote that Leonardo’s conviction that the single plane of a painting could not hold a 3D image was shown by Wheatstone to be entirely incorrect. As his peers at the Academy had insisted, Leonardo da Vinci was not an authentic philosophical representative of the Great Italian Renaissance at all. Recognized as being a world leader in mechanistic philosophy of science, da Vinci’s appointment as a military engineer demonstrated that he was instead, one of the pivotal pioneers of the global ‘Mechanistic Age’ lacking living stereoscopic scientific intuition and therefore was totally committed to developing tribal science’s warring capacity. Armed with that knowledge, the public needs to know about the Platonic Academy in Florence’s attempt to bring about a rebirth of the ancient Greek spiritual atomic physics as a balance to the destructive property of ‘unformed matter’ within the physical atom, deemed by Greek science to be capable of emerging from the atom to destroy civilization. The Custodian of the Great Library of Alexandria at the beginning of the 5th Century was Hypatia; a Greek mathematician, astronomer, inventor and philosopher. Both Christians and pagans wrote of her astute wisdom and gracious nature. In 415 a rioting Christian mob dragged her from her carriage, raped her then cut her body into pieces whilst burning the library scrolls. Her spiritual, atomic mathematical research was about the Platonic theories contained within the 3rd Century BC Greek Science for ethical ends. At the time of Hypatia’s murder, St Augustine’s formidable tribal science intellect defined the destructive property of unformed atomic matter as belonging to a mathematical logic associated with female sexuality. That atomic understanding is fully recorded in his sanctimonious ‘Confessions’ where his hatred of women is seen to have evolved from his immature relationship with a prostitute. Augustine’s unworldly philosophical writings greatly influenced the development of Western Christianity and Western philosophy. Augustine’s astute knowledge of Babylonian mathematics associated with the worship of Ishtar, the Whore of Babylon, mentioned in the Bible, was incorrectly associated with the mathematical research of Hypatia. He condemned her spiritual atomic research to be the “work of the Devil”. This later became a schizophrenic concept within the Church when Plato was forgiven by the Christian Church for being born a pagan before the birth of Christ and later ordained as a founding father of the church. Hypatia was using Plato’s mathematics ‘of the Devil’ to better understand the lost Greek scientific rationale to prevent unformed matter from emerging from the atom to destroy civilisation. The philosopher of Science Immanuel Kant laid the foundations of the electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science. He perceived the difference between aesthetical appreciation and Plato’s search for a balancing spiritual, electromagnetic, artistic wisdom. Kant referred to Plato’s dialogue ‘Ion’ where Socrates uses the electromagnetic properties of magnets acting upon people claiming to be great political orators. They were shown to be actually projecting unethical illusory artistic virtues upon people to gain power over them. The unethical rhetoric of Adolph Hitler is a prime example of what Plato was on about. This ancient Greek unethical electromagnetic artistic intent echoes the mathematics within a poker machine using aesthetically pleasing sound and colour vibrations to be able to create heroin-like addictions leading to states of financial and moral bankruptcy. Plutocracies, government by the wealthy, use similar stratagems in their stock market tribal science warfare role protecting the people they represent from foreign religious or political domination. Kant named Plato’s search for an evolving ethical, spiritual, artistic wisdom as belonging to an evolving spiritual, asymmetrical, electromagnetic field within the creative artistic mind. To the tribal scientific mindset this is an incomprehensible concept, however to the genius mind of Charles Proteus Steinmetz, whose inventions made the electrification of the United States of America possible, Kant’s conviction was obvious. Steinmetz was quite familiar with the ancient Greek atomic spirituality belonging to the lost Science for ethical ends. He published that the development of his electromagnetic theories, which he was paid to bring into existence, would have delivered a far greater benefit to America as a spiritual, asymmetrical, electromagnetic technology. In 1708 the philosopher and mathematician Bishop George Berkeley published his essay of a ‘New Theory of Vision’, about the coexistence of spiritual reality and physical reality. He argued that “passions of the mind” were incorporated into the functioning of optical vision. Both Berkeley and Isaac Newton developed ancient Greek philosophies of science belonging to the workings of a living infinite universe and both published statements that modern science was pretentious. Berkeley’s spiritual optics work was considered acceptable to the Church because of its claim that his own mathematical criticism of Newton and Leibniz’s invention of calculus defended Christianity against any scientific disbelief in the worship of God. Coincidentally, during the 19th Century the invention of calculus was used by Michael Talbot as the basis of his holographic universe theory, where God becomes the ancient Greek evolutionary, ethical, Godlike purpose, functioning within the workings of a holographic universe. James Joyce, regarded as one of the most influential and important authors of the 20th Century associated George Berkeley’s ‘New Theory of Vision’ with Wheatstone’s invention of the stereoscope. Joyce referred to Berkeley’s conviction that it was a fundamental geometrical truth that when parallel light rays fall on the eye, the senses were receiving an emotional geometrical intuition about the nature of infinite reality. However, modern tribal science forbids the living process to be directly associated with the structure of infinity, which was an aspect of what Berkeley called “a pretentious science”. Isaac Newton, in his published ‘28th Query Discussions’, also stated that the science of his day was pretentious. His Heresy Papers published by Cambridge University in the 20th Century stated unequivocally that the universe, as a mechanistic entity, needing completion with a more profound spiritual purpose. In 1979 China’s highest awarded physicist Kun Huang, famous for his merging of ancient Chinese and Greek mathematical philosophy with quantum mechanics, provided the Science-Art Research Centre in Australia with information allowing them, during the 1980s, to measure the geometrical life-force governing 50 million years of seashell evolution. The Centre’s discoveries were reprinted in 1990 by the World’s largest technological research institute, IEEE in Washington and acclaimed as one of the 20th Century’s most important optical mathematical discoveries. The seashell fossil record displays 50 million years of geometrical evolution moving toward infinity. That evidence from the world’s seashell fossil record is indisputable. However, tribal science could not tolerate the idea that the living creatures within the shells are part of an infinity process, because Einstein’s quantum mechanical reality demands their eventual extinction. Furthermore, attempts to generate futuristic seashell computer simulations using quantum mechanical mathematics results in a series of distorted carcinogenic simulations, validating SzentGyorgyi’s Neolithic tribal cancer theories. Cantor’s mathematical diagnosis of a myopic scientific fear of infinity coinciding with SzentGyorgyi’s observation that tribal science is infected by a form of mental cancer, is evidently justified. That information linked to James Joyce’s observation of stereoscopic activity within George Berkeley’s ‘New Theory of Optics’ was destined to become part of the crucial visual antidote evidence. The eccentric artist Salvador Dali’s intensive Science-Art research is well recorded. During the 1930s he began to concentrate on developing his theories related to the idea that biosphere information in association with stereoscopic vision was an integral aspect of a future ethical science and technology. One of his ‘stereoscopic’ paintings, ‘Geopoliticus Child’ was about a human child being born into a culture that was not governed by a science headed for human extinction. His passionate conviction that paintings contained invisible stereoscopic images of great evolutionary importance can now be shown to have come from the emotional mind of a genius. Dali’s 3D artworks at the Dali Stereoscopic Museum in Spain require two paintings side by side, employing complex stereoscopic equipment in order to reveal his stereoscopic message. In 2002 the invention of asymmetrical electromagnetic stereoscopic 3D glasses allowed the public to view single paintings that depict previously invisible planes of vision most dramatically interacting within each other, without the need for complex stereoscopic equipment.
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