* Training of Trainers Course in micro-Education-DGETA-2017
* Experimental Science course-UNAM-2017
* Course for the training of evaluators for evaluation of the development – CNSPD-ILCE-2017
* Course “quality interactions in the classroom” – COSDAC-2017
* Course “application of the educational model in the upper middle level” – COSDAC-2017
* Course " advice in online training course – - DGCFT-2016
* Training course for facilitators "development of management skills of EMS" - sems-COSDAC-2015
* Teaching techniques course-DGETA 2015
* Micro-education and Effective Communication course in the classroom-DGET-2015
* Instructional Design course and learning styles • A constructivist methodology based on competences-DGETA-2014
* Workshop course for the development of didactic strategies of the professional component-SEMS-COSDAC-2013
* The Twitter seminar on education. Two thousand thirteen
* Training Course for evaluators. UPN. 2011 (e-learning)
* Teacher training course for scientific culture IBERCIENCIA-Oei-2018
* Teacher Training Course for scientific culture IBERCIENCIA-Oei-2017
* Teacher Training Course for scientific culture IBERCIENCIA-Oei-2016
* Teacher Training Course for scientific culture IBERCIENCIA-Oei, 2015
* Course teacher training for scientific culture IBERCIENCIA-Oei, 2014
* Course for Education for scientific culture. Improvement Phase V. CAEU-OEI. Two thousand thirteen
* Course for Education for scientific culture. Improvement Phase IV. CAEU-OEI. Two thousand twelve
* Course for Education for scientific culture. Improvement phase III. CAEU-OEI. Two thousand eleven
* Course for Education for scientific culture. Improvement phase II. CAEU-OEI. Two thousand ten
* Teacher Training Course education for scientific culture. CAEU-OEI. Two thousand nine
* Workshop course " assertive masculinity: a challenge for the health of men and women in Chiapas, 2009
* Course workshop "PISA for teachers", 2008
* Workshop course "presentation of the improved programs of the subjects of the basic and propaedeutic training component of the technological Baccalaureate, 1st stage", 2007
* Workshop course "Days of national multiplication axes of the reform of the technological Baccalaureate", 2007
* Workshop course "strategies focused on learning and integration of evaluation portfolios", 2007
* Workshop course of the National Computer Training Program “electronic presentations: Power-Point", 2007
* Workshop course of the National Computer Training Program "spreadsheet: Excell", 2005
* Workshop course of the National Computer Training Programme "Internet", 2004
* Design of multimedia learning materials with Clic 3.0, 2004
* Workshop on analysis of the teaching certification process and Curriculum Reform - 2004
* Workshop course of the National Computer Training Program "Windows XP operating system", 2003
* Workshop course of the National Computer Training Program "introduction to the PC", 2003
* Induction for advisors of the open system of Agricultural Technology Education (SAETA), 2003
* Introduction to Statistics, 2001
* Interactive methods for teaching chemistry, 1999
* Teacher Training. One thousand nine hundred ninety seven
* Excel and word for Windows, 1997
* Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1995
* Education software training in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English, 1994
* A motivation to study chemistry, 1993
* Laboratory practice design, 1992
* Programme content update, 1992
* Human Relations, 1992
* Instructor of the course-workshop "Micro-Education" - CBTa 60-2018
* Facilitator of the ECA's design workshop under a modular approach to competency-based education-DGETA-2017
* Facilitator of the course-workshop “conceptual and methodological Bases for the evaluation of Teacher Performance-DGETA-2017
* Facilitator of the course-workshop “conceptual and methodological Bases for the evaluation of Teacher Performance-DGETA-2015
* Instructor of the course " preparation and application of organic fertilizer: composting, worm farming and bocashi – - ECOSUR-2015
* Facilitator of the course of development of managerial competencies in EMS-2015-2016
* Facilitator of the program of updating and professionalization directive-2013-2015
* Facilitator of Refresher and Training Workshop for facilitators of the Refresher and Training Program-SEMS-COSDAC-2014
* Development of teaching strategies for the professional component 2013
* External evaluator of CERTIDEMS ANUIES-2011-2012-2013
* Online Tutor of the specialization in teaching skills (Generation 5, 7 and 8)
* Course facilitator-State workshop for training academic tutors-2012
* Facilitator of the course-state workshop for the training of reading mediators-2012
* Participation as an Instructor in the diploma “Environmental Education” ECOSUR-2010
* Participation as an Instructor in the course” organic fertilizers " ECOSUR-2010
* Facilitator in the workshop course "elaboration of didactic sequences" Sems-CEB 6/3 Tecpatán-2010
* Participation as an Instructor in the diploma “Environmental Education” ECOSUR-2009
* Facilitator of the workshop course "axes of reform", 2007
* Facilitator at the workshop course "leadership in the workplace", 2007
* Facilitator at the workshop course "gender equity in Higher Secondary Education", 2006
* Instructor of the special degree course called "propagation of plants", 2005
* Participation as an Instructor in the introductory course "the cultivation of edible mushrooms", 2004
* Facilitator of the courses “self-management and leadership", "my code of ethics ""SML-Master" and” strategic approach " - 2004
* Assistant teacher in poverty and sustainable development of the Master of Science-ECOSUR, 2004
* Química 1 (state program of workshops for the recovery of competence in students lagging behind in 2000)
* Química 2 (state program of workshops for the recovery of competence in students lagging behind in 2000)
* Chemistry (State Academic Recovery Program), 1999
* Chemistry (State Academic Recovery Program), 1998
* General Chemistry, 1996
* 2nd World Meeting for education of the XXI century - Mexican College of doctors and teachers in education A. C. 2013.
* Speaker at the IV Congress Leer.Es (Ibero-American Congress of languages in culture and education. Two thousand twelve
* Speaker at the 2nd meeting of academic, technological and Research Experiences at EMS, 2011
* Speakers at the 1st Meeting of academic experiences in the framework of the RIEMS.- 2010
* Speaker at the 7th Congress "El campo mexicano sin fronteras" AMER, 2009
* Keynote lecture "The Decade of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development" at the 1st Regional Forum on agribusiness and organic products, 2008
* Participation as an Instructor in the International Course on edible mushroom production, 2003
* Moderator at the working table: "the teaching-learning process in higher and postgraduate education in Mexico"; Academic Exchange Week-ECOSUR, 2002
* Speaker at the course-workshop on personal and professional self-training, 1997
* Aux. in the Diploma of Tropical practice Porciculture, 1996
2010: el año de la educación en Iberoamérica En
Aprendiendo Juntos... cuando nos aprehendemos y leemos ciencia En
Comprendiendo y aprendiendo… a través de la lectura En
Acercando la ciencia a los jóvenes iberoamericanos… ¡Una estrategia sin fronteras! En
Dr. Jorge Macías Sámano: Nativos y exóticos En
¡Fobia a las ciencias! … ¿a las ciencias o a quienes las enseñan? En
Mediación de la Lectura en el medio rural mexicano con los materiales de la OEI En
Un puente pedagógico ciencia-sociedad a través de la divulgación por la cultura científica En
Cada docente un nodo de la red académica de la Comunidad de Educadores Iberoamericanos para la Cultura Científica. En
Ciencia, tecnología e innovación ¡Jóvenes inventores mexicanos! En
¡La telaraña de la Ciencia! Una inspiración pedagógica a partir de los principios de IBERCIENCIA – OEI En:
De los conocimientos previos a la adquisición de aprendizajes significativos… leyendo artículos de divulgación científica. En:
Habitantes verdes en el Planeta Tierra: Una lucha por el territorio. En:
“Sustentabilidad… De la escuela al hogar” El ABP un buen despertar de la vocación científica. En:
¡Reutilízame… Todos ganamos! En:
El Tianguis de Productos Orgánicos y Naturales “El Huacalero”. Un caso exitoso en el marco de los ODS de las Naciones Unidas
Interdisciplina en el aula… ¿Un paradigma pedagógico o una propuesta atrevida?
Imágenes de la naturaleza… Proyecto con la colaboración de docentes miembros de la Red Iberoamericana
El Caspirol de la Montaña… Un espacio de aprendizaje y concientización del cuidado del ambiente
Las redes sociales en un aula desconectada de la red… Una realidad alejada de la actualidad
Reflexiones en torno a los programas de formación docente. Mitos y realidad.
Un futuro perdido ¿Podemos perder algo que no hemos tenido y aún no ha llegado?
CER-DGETA: Un espacio que amalgama la vocación docente con los intereses de los estudiantes a través de las redes sociales
SAETA “Un sistema modular de educación que ha cambiado vidas en el medio rural mexicano”
aTBC60. Radio Escolar de Cultura Ambiental de la Telaraña de la Ciencia
Cultura Ambiental desde la Telaraña de la Ciencia. Un pueblo unido al árbol de Peinemicoárbol-de
El Hilo de Ariadna. Narrativas docentes para una educación para la Agenda 2030ón-para-la-Agenda-2030
Mujeres y la Dociencia. Un homenaje a mujeres excepcionales en el anonimato del aula y/o laboratorio de las ciencias
Juguemos a la ruleta y aprendamos el lenguaje químicoímico
Percepción del naturaleza desde los móviles de los niños y jóvenes de Iberoamericaños-y-jovenes-de